Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do the Challenge

Alright everyone! We are doing a little healthy challenge and YOU are invited to join. The items included in this challenge are simple, everyday habits that contribute to living a healthier lifestyle.

The idea is that by committing to do this with a GROUP and feeling a little bit of responsibility to report our success, we'll ALL be more motivated to do well.

You get a point for every question you answer YES to. We'll post our point values every week. You don't necessarily need to answer "yes" to every question every day, but that's up to you.

Here are the challenge questions
Did you complete a 30 minute workout?
Did you avoid soda and carbonation?
Did you avoid sweets and candy?
Did you take a daily vitamin?
Did you drink at least 6 glasses of water?
Did you avoid eating 3 hours before going to bed?
Did you get 7 hours of sleep?
Did you eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables?

Let's do this!